
Peter Callaghan is a director of C & N Projects Pty Limited. We have a special interest in working with Owners Corporations or Strata Managers in solving management problems. Our approach is practical and will comply with legislation to maintain asset value of strata title property. Peter is a well recognised and respected member of the strata and community title industry.

An independent licensed Strata Managing Agent, Peter is also a former owner of a strata title management company. He is now offering his services to Owners Corporations, lot owners, investors, developers and strata managers. His formal credentials also include human resource management and industrial relations. This back ground has assisted him greatly in the application of strata title and community title legislation and the management of its associated inter-personal relations.

Highly experienced independent Licensed Strata Managing Agent with extensive business background. Senior management positions previously held. Former President of industry association.Qualifications include those in strata property management; training and human resources. Expert witness opinions for strata management and related building management issues.

Peter Callaghan brings a professional, organised and caring approach to problem solving.

He is a Fellow and Life Member of Strata Community Australia (NSW), formerly the Institute of Strata Title Management Ltd. (ISTM). Peter served on the governing Board of ISTM for seven years and various specialist committees during this time. He was Vice-President for 3 years and President for 2 years.